Develop AutoCAD drawings from concept to creation.From getting familiar with the interface to preparing for Autodesk AutoCAD certification, Mastering AutoCAD 2021 and AutoCAD LT 2021 gives CAD professionals command of the software’s core functions and complex capabilities. Packed with real-world examples, straightforward instructions, and downloadable project files, this edition of this bestselling AutoCAD reference has been fully updated for the latest features from the 2021 version of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. Give life to your designs and keep your CAD skills fresh with Mastering AutoCAD 2021 and Mastering AutoCAD LT 2021ĪutoCAD continues to be the tool of choice for architects, project managers, engineers, city planners, and other design professionals, and when the industry experts need to learn the latest CAD techniques and trends, they turn to Mastering AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.