In the following years, the exploitable has been used in a variety of meme formats. On August 17th, Know Your Meme user nicktoonhero archived an edit based on an image of Atsuko Kagari (shown below, right). For example, on April 22nd, 2017, Know Your Meme user Samba archived a Kronk edit utilizing a gun-pointing exploitable (shown below, left). The early spread of the exploitable is primarily connected to the popularity of Delet This memes which gained initial prominence on Facebook in early 2016, with the earliest known examples utilizing this and similar exploitable being posted in 2017.
A meme posted to /r/me_irl subreddit on January 11th received over 50 upvotes (shown below, right). On January 10th, 2017, the image was posted to /r/forwardsfromgrandma subreddit, where it received over 60 upvotes. Starting in January 2017, the image has been widely circulated as a part of the viral image which requested the viewer to pick a song they can recite perfectly(shown below, left).